Hello Everyone,
My name is Sifatullah Tuhin. I'm from Bangladesh. I'm Studying With International Relation (IR) at University Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS).Under the Faculty of Social Science. The things I love most in my life are traveling, sleeping and watching movie. I have been traveling for past 8 years and I really love it! My dreams in the future are to become a Part of Government , But other side i would Become a Traveler. So what am I doing to achieve those dreams? Well, I had worked as a Student to achieve my Goals, That’s my life. If there’s an adventure available, I’ll go for it.
My Social Activities:
- Vice-President of Bangladesh Student Union of Malaysia.
- Executive Member of Rotarect Club of University Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS).
- Member of AISEC Club of University Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS).
- Member of Human Development Forum Bangladesh.
- I was Representative of Scholars Forum Dhaka.
- Secretary of Titas Student Welfare Society
Social Media Activities :
"I'm always active in Social Media Sites.
Find me On Facebook , Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, And Google Plus
Thanks for Checking out my story, If you have anything more to say or have any Questions, just send me a mail at sifatmy1@gmail.com. I will try to Respond to every E-mail, so don't hesitate to mail.
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