Sunday 17 December 2017

Malaysian Local Fruits

Malaysia is a fruit-enthusiasts' paradise. The tropical climate creates a luxuriant plant life and produces a wide and remarkable diversity of edible and succulent fruit. Located on the Malaysian Peninsula and part of the island of Borneo, Malaysia is blessed with a vibrant tropical climate where perennial heat and abundant rainfall permit a wide variety of delicious fruit to flourish. Some fruits, including durian, mangos teen, cempedak, pomelo, rambutan,duku-langsat, and snake fruit, are indigenous. Others, such as papaya, guava, ciku, soursop, mango, wax or honey apple, jackfruit, starfruit, and watermelon, were introduced over the years.

Malaysian local fruits

1.      Durian (Durio zibethinus L.)
The King of Fruit
The durian is the most popular local fruit in Malaysia. It is fondly regarded as the "King of Fruit." A durian is about the size of a football, with a thick and fibrous husk covered by sharp spines. The flesh or pulp is creamy, white, yellow, or golden yellow and has a strong flavor and aroma. The durian is often eaten together with the mangosteen. Durian season is from June to August, with a smaller season between November and January.

2.    Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana) 
The Queen of Fruit
Commonly referred to as the "Queen of Fruit," the mangosteen is often eaten after a hearty meal of durians. This delicate, globular fruit has a leathery, purplish-brown skin that encloses four snowy-white segments of edible flesh. Mangosteens have a sweet, pleasant taste and are rich in Vitamin C and essential minerals. Mangosteen season is from June to August, with a smaller season between December and January.

3. Cempedak (Artocarpus chempeden, A. integer)
An exquisite native Malaysian fruit and cousin to the Jackfruit, the cempedak is a favorite in Malaysia. The cempedak exudes a distinctly strong smell when ripe. The waxy, golden-yellow flesh is custard-like, juicy, sweet, and has a pleasant smell. It can be eaten fresh, deep-fried in oil, or processed into a refreshing juice. The seeds are edible when roasted or boiled in salty water and have a nutty flavor. Cempedak season is from May to July, with a shorter season between November and February.
4.  Soursop (Annona muricata)
Locally call durian Belanda or durian mekah, the soursop belongs to the same family as the more famous custard apple and sugar apple. The fruit has a thin, light-greenish skin and bruises easily when ripe. The white pulp is rather fibrous. The soursop is more popular for its delightful sweet-acidic juice. The fruit has a high sugar content and a good source of Vitamins B and C. The juice makes an excellent sorbet and flavouring for ice cream. Soursop is usually available throughout the year, with peaks during March-April, June-July, and October-December.

5.  Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum) 
A very popular native fruit and a cousin to the Chinese lychee, the rambutan is named because of its hairy skin. The yellow or red rambutan is rich in vitamin C and essential minerals. The translucent flesh is soft, sweet and juicy. The rambutan is a very refreshing treat in the hot, humid weather of Malaysia.
 Rambutan season is from June to August and a smaller one from November to January.

Comparison between the Western culture and Eastern culture.

Comparison between the culture of United States and India



Culture defines the way people do things and the way of their life. Different groups of people do things differently and their culture also varies for this reason. Through the learning process culture is passed on to the subsequent generations but genetics are usually passed on by heredity. People’s cooking, religion, clothing, music, writing and many other things show the difference of each region to other regions. Culture can be described by the arts and social interactions of a particular region along with their customs where high culture can be defined by the excellence of taste in fine arts and humanities. Attitudes, beliefs, morality, outlooks, customs, norms, knowledge, behavior are the things that differ mostly among different cultures (Davis, 2011). In the whole world there are many cultures, such as, Western culture, Eastern culture, Latin culture, Middle Eastern culture and African culture. For this assignment purpose, I am choosing western culture and eastern culture and for that United States and India are chosen respectively.

Western culture and Eastern culture:

Western culture is defined by the culture of European countries or those countries which are greatly influenced by the European countries. Heritage of social norms, beliefs, political systems, customs and values differ western culture from other culture. Not only the European countries follow the western culture but also those countries which are strongly influenced by the immigration of Europe follow western culture. For example, America and Australia are countries that follow European culture (Widdig, 2007).  With Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome the historical records of western culture was begun in Europe. With the passage of time, European culture developed with wide range of philosophy, mysticism, Christian and humanism. The rational thinking of European people also developed over the time.

Eastern culture is defined by the social norms, customs, beliefs, attitudes and other natural thoughts of the countries that are located in the east of Europe. For example, China, Japan, Korea and Indian subcontinent are some countries that follow eastern culture (Fiske, 2011). Eastern culture is also influenced but not by the other countries like western. Rather eastern culture is heavily influenced by religious factors. It has been also found that people following eastern culture are more family oriented, more emotional and more focused on agricultural sectors Eastern culture is considered to be more colorful and more interesting. Moreover, Asia is considered to be the world’s most populated continent having the most diversified culture (Jaroszyński, 2007). 

Culture of United States and India:

The culture of United States of America is western but greatly influenced by African, Native American and Latin American culture. Its characteristics those differ from other cultures are its music, social habits, cuisine, dialect, arts, beliefs, attitudes. United States is one of the most diversified countries in culture in the world and it is difficult to find any region of the world that is not influenced by this culture (Bahadur, 2007).  That is why it is called that United States has a culture that is shaped by some other cultures that are Native Americans, Latin Americans, Africans and Asians. The United States is sometimes also defined as ‘melting pot’ as many cultures have contributed their own unique culture to its culture. Culture of United States involves how the people of United States wear clothes, what they were, what food they have usually and occasionally, what things they believe right or wrong, in which religion they believe or not, how they talk with people, how they greet new people or visitors, what music they love, what language they use along with many other things. On the other hand, culture of India is regarded as most colorful and interesting culture(Mumford, 2016).  It is believed that Indian culture is greatly influenced by ’Dharmic’ religion. Indian culture is diversified enough and its languages, dance, music, food, religions, customs and many other things differ from place to place even within the country. India has got many historical places which are famous for their uniqueness. Food, cloth, etiquette all is different in different places of India (Ḥusain, 2010).   Christianity is commonly followed by the people of United States but in India Hinduism and Islam is mostly followed and performed. People are found very religious mined in India and love spicy foods. Both United States and India have diversified culture but differences also prevail between them.

Comparison between the culture of United States and India:

There are numerous differences between United States’ culture and Indian culture. They are educated in distinctively different ways. Their way of living, behaving and all the necessary and natural activities differs due to regional differences. They also vary when it comes about their attitude toward life and love and individual’s personality (Taylor, 2012). Usually Indian people follow the natural order of time and do necessary works following steps but people from United States prefer to live in space which means they prefer their will and what they want to do. If we talk about personality, Indian people tend to be submissive and do not feel like leading staffs. They try to avoid big responsibilities (Widdig, 2007).  They often think more and do less but people of United States are quite different. They do more and think less. They enjoy leading and taking responsibilities at the same time. It has been also found that people from western culture often lead the people from eastern culture but the opposite doesn’t happen frequently. Another important fact is attitude toward love. Indian people are found more serious and practical when it comes about the person they love. Marriage is regarded the ultimate destination of love life but the people of United States are not that serious about this matter (Goody, 2014).  If they love someone they try to impress and they rarely get married before they make sure that they love each other. Another fact is people from United States usually take decisions by their own but in India parents take the decision of marriage as it is considered to be very crucial decision of life. Because parents of India think they understand better what is good for their children but parents from United States think it is best when someone take his or her decision by own. Besides these facts there are many important facts that show the cultural differences between United States and India. Some of them are described below:

Rigid Beliefs:

Indian people tend to follow traditional values more often that United States’ people. People from India are found more rigid in their own ideologies and beliefs that have been taught them from their childhood. For them the truth is what they have been watching and teaching. Even if the authenticity of the values were fading its validity in modern terms they are not permitted to think against that. They are emotional people and when they take any decision emotion plays a great role (Bahadur, 2007).  But when it comes about people of United States, they take things simply. They are rational thinker not emotional. It is not like that they don’t have emotion but they use their emotion less when they make any decision. Their actions are not driven by emotion and that is how they achieve their goals in life(Davis, 2011). 


People from United States are known for their openness. They take things easily in front of any situation or people. For example, they discuss several topics with their children like, child birth or sex. When talking about these things in front of any elder or younger person is still considered as taboo in India. The lack of openness among the people of India makes thing bit difficult to discuss and sole when any problem occurs (Jaroszyński, 2007).  It is also found that children from India are not that free with their parents but children of United States are more free with their parents which is an important thing for any child to overcome his or her queries which also improves the metal development of the children. Openness is important for people of any age but Indian people lack to be more open when it comes about different generation of people before them which is regarded as very common issue for people of United States (Fiske, 2011).  So, this is an important fact that differs between the culture of United States’ people and Indian people.

Status of Female:

Status of female is different in United States and in India. A female is free to live her life as she wants and she can make her own decisions in United States but in India a female has to live her live according to her paternal family’s wish or husband’s wish. She doesn’t have the right to make a decision by her own (Widdig, 2007).  She has to take permission before doing anything. In the matter of priorities, female of United States can set her priorities which also involves big decisions such marriage and having children but in India the opinion of a female is less regarded. She has to prioritize her family over anything else and does not have the any opinion when it comes about marriage or having child (Bahadur, 2007).  Another thing is, in India it is expected that women will sacrifice her professional life for the sake of her marriage life or rearing children so that she can take good care of her family but in United States the case is not same as women enjoy all the facilities equally and get a chance to make balance in professional life and family life.


There is no official language of the United States, according to the United States government. But around ninety percent of United States people frequently speaks and understands English. But there are some other languages which are mostly used in United States and those are French, Spanish, German and Chinese (Widdig, 2007).  But mostly used official language is English. Hindi is the official language in India but English is regarded as a provisional official sub-language. There are different official languages for different states of India but the constitution also allows the use of English as official purposes. From one survey it has been found that around 63% people of United States use English as language and remaining others use Chinese, Portuguese, Dutch, French, Spanish and other languages and in India around 51% people use Hindi as their language And other people use Tamil, Marathi, Gujrati or Bengali as their language. So, in language perspective it can be said that both the countries have their own uniqueness.


Cuisine of United States was influenced by Europeans and Native Americans. Today there are a number of foods that are mostly known as Americans. Hamburgers, hot dogs, meat loaf, cacaroni and cheese, potato chips are the foods which are meant to be American food. The style of cooking these foods varies in different regions of United States (Bahadur, 2007).  On the other hand, in India the traditional food has been receiving lot of appreciations. India has different style of cooking and has the uniqueness of using herbs and spices which is rare in the food of United States. 
In India the cuisine also differs within the country as there are so many types of cuisines. For example, Bengali food, Gujarati food, Kashmiri food, Mughlai cuisine, Panjabi food, Rajasthani food. Different state has different food of its own and bear specialty in those cuisines (Goody, 2014). 

The United States is regarded as a sports-minded country. It has millions of fans who follow the most enjoyed sports, such as, football, basket6ball, hockey, baseball. Baseball is a different kind of sport played in the United States. It was developed in colonial America and became an amazing sport for the people of United States (Richardson, 2011).  They also enjoy football a lot and its quite popular sport among them. Sport is regarded as an important part of Indian culture.  Cricket is the most popular sport in India. India has won the World Cup for 2 times (1983&2011), T20 World Cup 2007, and ICC Champions Trophy 2013 having some legendary cricketers like Kapil Dev, Rahul Dravid, Sachin Tendulkar and many more.  Soccer is 2nd most watched game by Indians and the Indian national soccer team is ranked 156th in FIFA ranking. So this is also a popular sport among Indians.  Besides these sports, field hockey, badminton, tennis, chess, motor sports, wrestling, table tennis, basketball are some sports that are mostly enjoyed by the people of India (Bahadur, 2007). 


India is very well known for its cultural and traditional festivals in all over the world. It has many cultures and religions as a result the number of festivals is also higher. One can easily attend any festival celebration almost in every month of the year (Goody, 2014).  People from different religion have own traditional festivals but there are even some festivals that are celebrated by the people of all religion, cast, language. Celebrating the festivals holds a great significance in the life of Indian people (Richardson, 2011). Most celebrated festivals of Hindu people are Holi, Chaitra Navaratri, Janmastami, Diwali, Durga Puja etc.  Muslim people living in India also celebrate many festivals like Eid-ul-Fitr, Eid-ul-Adha, Muharram, Ramadan, Jamat-ul-vida etc. 

Most of the public holidays in the United States have either political or historical background. But apart from that, people of United States celebrate some festivals that have been brought along to the new world by the ethnic groups of people in United States. The most celebrated festival is Christmas Day. Though this festival is celebrated all over the world but people of United States celebrate it in such flamboyant style (Richardson, 2011).  Homes, trees and outdoor are decorated with fairy lights and special part is Santa Claus figures. Halloween is another popular festival among the people of United States. This festival is all about remembering the souls that had not made up to heaven and also keep the transience of earthy existence in mind. The main focus of this festive is on scary dressing up and it is wholly pranked based festival. Besides these festivals, people of United States celebrate other festivals like Valentines’ day, independence day, thanksgiving etc. Though both the countries celebrate lots of festivals but there are huge differences between the way of celebrating those festivals and the festivals themselves.


It is said, ‘East is east and West is west, neither is better nor worse than the other’. Considering India having eastern culture and United States having western culture we can only say that both the countries have diversified culture which hold much uniqueness of their own. The differences are not only because of its demographical differences rather religion, beliefs, values, attitude toward life are most effective reasons for the cultural differences. Culture is something that has been following for many years by the beholders and has differences even within one country as the way of celebrating is not same in all parts of the country or even in the world. But it is also true that culture does not remain the same as before because it changes over the time or the way of celebrating also changes for the betterment. The characteristics of each culture are shown in people’s behavior, personalities and way of living life and that’s how the culture plays a great role in the life of people from India and United States.


Bahadur, K. (2007). Caste, tribes & culture of India. Delhi: EssEss Publ.
Beekeeping in the United States. (2012). New York: Books for Business.
Davis, J. (2011). Animal cell culture.Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell.
Fiske, J. (2011). Television culture. London: Routledge.
Goody, J. (2014). The culture of flowers. Cambridge [u.a.]: Cambridge Univ. Press.
Ḥusain, S. (2010). The national culture of India. New Delhi: National Book Trust, India.
Jaroszyński, P. (2007). Science in culture. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
Mumford, L. (2016). The Culture of Cities. Open Road Media.
Patient safety. (2013). Washington: U.S. G.P.O.
Richardson, M. (2011). The experience of culture. London: SAGE.
Taylor, S. (2012). Culture shock. London: Marshall Cavendish.
Widdig, B. (2007). Culture and inflation in Weimar Germany. Berkeley: University of California Press

Tuesday 14 March 2017


EDMAT 38 at University of Malaya. 

EDMAT-38 19-24 January 2017 :
 It’s just not of five letters, it’s more than anything. From childhood to this days, I’m always a back bencher and really, I didn’t think about to attend this type of program ever in my life. But especially to me, it was beyond my expectation and imagination. Learned a lot of things like leadership, motivation, social bonding and so on.
Visit Site EDMAT 38 at KUB with Honorable Lecturer 

And obviously my best gaining was some new friends form multicultural countries. They are very friendly and good. this event join student from many more countries.
Debiting Time with my group Edmat38 At University of Malaya. 

Actually, I wanted to write many more things but I don’t have the perfect words to express my feelings, my gratitude to the whole EDMAT team. In simple words, I’m amazed, I’m glad and clearly I’m lucky to be a part of EDMAT 38. Thanks to all. Let’s rock 2017…!!
Chilling Time With Different country Friends at Gala Dinner Night

Ending Time of Event. With My Group mate. 

Program: EDMAT 38
place : University of Malaya 
Date : 19-24 January (5 Days)
Arrange By : University of Malaya

ISIS Event

How China Views the South China Sea

With Honorable Guest  
This is a Malaysian Security and Sea security Event. i was a participant as a International Relation Student. arranging By UNIMAS and Malaysian Military Department. This program Speaker was MR. SHAHRIMAN LOCKMAR who is Senior Analyse of Institute of Strategic And International Studies (ISIS) Malaysia. This program also given Speech Dean and Deputy Dean of Faculty of Social Science. From Military of Malaysia Given Speech Colonel Dr Hazudin bin Hassan. 
With honorable Dr Nizar, Mr Shahriman Lockmar, Madam Nur A'in, Madam Nurul Huda
This program i learn how Malaysian military Work in china sea, and some of the role of China, United States, Malaysia, Brunai, Indonesia and Thailand.about China sea. 
Me And Colonel Dr Hazudin bin Hassan
This was a great experience for me.

Mie Goreng Jawa

Mie goreng jawa

Its a actually fried noddles with vegetables and sea foods. Its spicy and tasty.
Recipe mie goreng jawa spesial:  Mi Goreng means "fried noodles" is a popular and popular food in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore. Fried noodles made of yellow noodles fried with a little oil and add garlic, shallots, shrimp and chicken or beef, sliced meatballs, chili, vegetables, tomatoes, eggs, and pickles. These foods are very popular and can be found everywhere in Indonesia, ranging from roadside vendors (sidewalk) to a fancy restaurant. Fried noodles can also be found at mamak stalls in Malaysia and Singapore. Version of instant noodles fried noodles are also very popular, such as Indomie Mi goreng.




Tom Yum is probably one of the most well-known Thai recipes. The best Tom Yum calls for shrimp stock, which you can make by boiling the shrimp heads with water.. A good stock guarantees the great taste of Tom Yum. However, you can also make it with water or canned chicken stock. Another secret is the use of nam prik pao (Thai roasted chili paste). Of course, you can’t do without the aromatics: galangal, lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves, bird’s eye chilies, etc. To make Bangkok-style Tom Yum which is creamier and whiter in color, add a few tablespoons of evaporated milk to the soup. Once you have these ingredients, you will have the best bowl of homemade tom yum you’ve ever tasted, I promise. Enjoy!

Friday 10 March 2017

UNIMAS International Cultural Festival

International Cultural Festival 2015

UNIMAS International Night (UIN)
UIN is an annual event organized by Students Representative Council of UNIMAS which aims to create a strong bond between international and local students.
International Cultural Festival (ICF)
International Cultural Festival and UNIMAS International Night is same program. before 2015 it was called ICF and nowadays its name UIN. its a Big event for international student in UNIMAS.
ICF Food Bazar With my Friends
This Program have some Interesting event as We have interesting activities such as:
- International Language Class
- Food Festival
- Performance Night.

Event : International Cultural Night 
Place : Deter Putra Hall , UNIMAS
Date : 26 May 2015

Thursday 9 March 2017

Iftar Party 2016

Iftar Party 2016 
Bangladeshi Student of Unimas at Iftar Party 2016
Iftar party 2016 arrange by Bangladeshi Community of Unimas at desa ilmu central mosque. Iftar is one of the religious observances of Ramadan and is often done as a muslim community. Its a sunnah of rasul (sm). ifter is a muslim tradition. muslim people broke his fast by iftar. 
Chicken Roast.

We serve this ifter our Bangladeshi food. as chicken roast, Biryani and other some food. this food is very testy. we cook our self and we serve it. Malaysian local people very enjoy this food and happy to us.  at last they pray for all of our Bangladeshi Student and unimas student . 
We are also very happy and enjoy this program . 
People Taking food at iftar time. 

Event : Iftar Party 2016 
place : Desa ilmu central mosque 
Date : 6th June 2016 
Arrange By : Bangladeshi Community of Unimas. 

Children Party 2016

Children Party 2016 
Children Party 2016, after program we are all here 
Children party 2016 arrange by Rotary Club of Kuching at Swinburne University Sarawak. it was a great  opportunity for me to pass a full day with some autistic children.

Pre-Preparation meeting for children party at Unimas Cais.
First of all when i saw all of children i thought they are autistic they cant do anything, maybe my this day going to be a boring. but few minutes latter they proved it my thought was wrong. they are very ordinary. and active. 
We are enjoying with a child. 
they have more energy. i saw one child dancing continuously 2 hours. they are not feel tired. they can laugh, play. most of thing thay are very honest. we play some games with them. they actively join with us.
When we taking Lunch at Children party 2016
After end of the day when we back my home i just miss them, and truly i fall love with this autistic children. i can say strongly, if we can give them a beautiful weather they can do better from us. 

Event : Children Party 2016
Place :  Swinburne University Sarawak
Date : 5th March 2016
Arrange By : Rotary Club of Kuching 

Wednesday 8 March 2017

Nasi Goreng

Nasi goreng, literally meaning "fried rice" in Indonesian and Malay, can refer simply to fried pre-cooked rice, a meal including stir fried rice in small amount of cooking oil or margarine, typically spiced with kecap manis (sweet soy sauce), shallot, garlic, ground shrimp paste, tamarind and chilli and accompanied by other ingredients, particularly egg, chicken and prawns. Nasi goreng is sometimes described as Indonesian stir-fried rice, although it is also popular in Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei. Beyond the Malay Archipelago, it has gained popularity through Indonesian influence in Sri Lanka and via Indonesian immigrant communities in Suriname and the Netherlands.It is distinguished from other Asian fried rice recipes by its aromatic, earthy and smoky flavor, owed to generous amount of caramelized sweet soy sauce and powdered shrimp paste, and the taste is stronger and spicier compared to Chinese fried rice. 
Nasi Goreng

when i first time came in malaysia i eat nasi goreng ayam with my friends. its very testy. still i love this food .  

How to make 
  • 350 gr. Long Grain Rice cooked and allowed to cool overnight
  • 2 Tbsp. Vegetable Oil
  • 3 Eggs
  • 1 Onion
  • 2 fresh Chillies, Sambal Ulek or Sambal Badjak.
  • 3 Garlic cloves
  • 3 green onions
  • 2 shallots
  • 1 teaspoon Ground Coriander seeds
  • 1 teaspoon Ground Cumin seeds
  • 250 gr. Chicken meat
  • 250 gr. Shelled Prawns
  • 3 Tbs. Kecap Manis (sweet soy sauce)
  • Freshly prepared Prawn Crackers or other similar crackers
  •  Crisp Fried shallots 
  • Method:
    1. Make an omelette with the beaten eggs and stand aside. When cool cut into strips for later addition.
    2. Heat the oil in a wok or large frying pan. Add the chopped onion, sliced shallots and green onions, garlic and chillies. Fry until the onion is soft.
    3. Add the Coriander and Cumin. Slice Chicken into strips and add to the pan. Stir fry until just cooked.
    4. The next addition is the prawns and these should be continuously stirred as they cook until they just begin to show signs of pinkness and no more. It’s an important trick to remember for all asian dishes with prawn. This will produce both the best texture and final flavor.
    5. As soon as the prawns show the first signs of cooking, add the rice, sweet soy sauce and the omelette strips and cook for a further 5 minutes.
    6. Garnish with some of the chopped green onion, Crisp Fried shallots and Prawn Crackers.
                Serve hot.